Over a period of time in 2016 & 2017 TRN have accepted and are accepting Australian and International Coin Errors. We believe this segment of rare coins is demonstrating good capital growth, prices are affordable both collector & investor.
Commencing a portfolio through TRN will guarantee to our clients, price competiveness, a vast array of Error Coins not seen on the Australian numismatic market for over 20 years
TRN over 2 years have only selected the best graded with full provenance, the rarest in terms in the dimension of each error, with prices guaranteed to be 25% below our competitors’ prices, there really is no book or catalogue to consult purchase price. We have used Australia’s numismatic dealers, auction and private treaty prices, as our benchmark to commence this business in 2018.
On purchase you will receive certificates of authenticity, full provenance where available, & the knowledge knowing you are dealing with Australia’s largest on line International numismatic dealer @ www.therightnote.com.au