About – The Right Note (TRN)

Richard Fahy 2014

Mr. Richard E. Fahy established The Right Note as International Online Banknote.

Dealers in our Numismatic Investment Office at 505/5 Bridge St. Sydney. In 1995.

The internet was a boon he quickly embraced allowing him to service Australia wide & International clients from his Sydney office.

The website www.therightnote.com.au is one of Australia’s leading Online Numismatic Specialist visited sites. Reaching up to 25000 visitors per month.

His website offers an educational, informative site, offering a wide range of numismatic products to browse and buy.

An address we enjoyed, until the sale of our property in 2015.

He travels throughout Australia valuing collections and advising investors on the positive benefits of investing in Australian banknotes & coins.

The internet was a boon he quickly embraced allowing him to service Australia wide & International clients from his Sydney office.

His website www.therightnote.com.au is Australia’s leading online numismatic specialist. Reaching up to 25000 visitors per month. His website offers an educational, informative site, with a wide range of Gold, Banknotes @ Coins update every month to browse & buy. numismatic products to browse and buy.

Richard has appeared in many media interviews ranging from TV, radio newspaper and lifestyle magazines.

The BBC radio interviewed him on the upcoming introduction of Polymer Banknotes in 2016. Channel 7. Today Tonight. Host Mr Paul Makin asked Richard in 2012 to offer his expert advice regarding reported fraud with banknotes sold on eBay. In conjunction with Inspector Brian Hay of The Queensland Police Fraud Squad.

BBC 2 Interviewed him in 2016 on the introduction of Polymer banknotes to the UK.

A regular on the 2 Murray’s on weekend Sydney radio, he adds mirth with a spattering of ancient history, to a quite boring subject!

His background in accounting & finance ideally positions him to advise investors on how to manage individual portfolios.

Richard has introduced over the years, safeguards important to both vendor & purchaser.

As members of:


PCGS – Professional Coin Grading Service. Platinum Member.

Paper Money Guarantee Logo

PMG – Paper Money Guaranty. Platinum Member.

numismatic association australia

NAA – Numismatic Association of Australia

Richard is proud coming into 25 years of trading with expected and continued growth.