Category: Australian Commonwealth Specimen Banknotes.
Historical Notation: This Extremely rare Commonwealth Bank of Australia combined with Australian Dollars and Sterling Currency.
The Presentation set was issued in 1966, primarily to introduce International Banks with the focus on English banks as to what our Specimen Travellers cheques would appear.
The Commonwealth Bank in 1966 was the “Peoples Bank”.
The bank was funded and backed in Gold by the Commonwealth Government.
This was time of stability of Government and our only Commonwealth Bank.
It still continues to this day, as Australia’s leading bank with a market capital capitalisation, exceeding any Australian Bank.
$20. $50. $100. Signed VJ. Christie Chief Executive.
$10. $20. $50. Signed VJ. Christie. Chief Executive.
RARITY: This is the first collectors set of Specimen Travellers Cheques offered by any dealer in Australia.
Sale Price: $3500. All are Specimens.
I welcome all inquiries.