PCGS Professional Grading & Authentication of Rare Australian Coinage

Member: The Right Note-PCGS Platinum Membership

From the Desk
Richard Edward Fahy

numismatic association australia
Member: Numismatic Association Australia

I address my letter to all current and potential clients of RE Fahy Pty Ltd, trading as The Right Note (TRN). Collectors that purchased goods from The Rare Coin Company (in liquidation) should pay particular attention.

The Rare Coin Company (TRCC) trading from 1989 to 2013, trading/selling rare coinage whether Australian or International coinage would issue their coinage for sale with scant regard to international protocol in the sale of these coins. Sold items would be given to the purchaser, in either simple cardboard sleeves, or uncertified Perspex containers, including for rare coinage sometimes valued upwards of $500K. This erratic system of storage/grading from TRCC was intentional.

As either a vendor or purchaser you will find Australian numismatic dealers, clinging to the belief they may sell rare coinage without correct provenance. They are wrong! I had established this business in 1995 with a view of making a change. This is the first step to enable both vendor and purchaser to know their legal rights.

For many clients of TRCC, rare coinage purchases were packaged in cardboard outers, with erroneous certificates according to my research. It is conclusive that clients purchased on trust via monetary trade shows, sight unseen.

As Australia’s leading on line numismatic dealership @ www.therightnote.com.au  all professional research is reviewed. TRN have been involved in the sale of many portfolios created and sold by TRCC since 2014. As time is progressing and we receive more sales inquiries on rare coinage the past inadequacy of rare coin storage and certification has been made clear.

The protection of Australian sales on an international stage of numismatics will only be received when we adopt the international principle of PCGS.

Australian rare coin collectors can rest assured that coins sold and purchased through TRN are genuine and appropriately certified for the value of the coins.

All rare coinage submitted to TRN without grading and authentication by our appointed agent PCGS over a value of $10K, we will not offer for sale.

This decision is entered wisely, protecting the security of the purchaser whilst safeguarding the potential vendor.

From all points view, this will be positive step, with PCGS we can offer you quotations, to send your coins to the USA or to be included in our twice-yearly trips, reducing some insurance costs.

Copyright 2017 © The Right Note Pty Ltd