History of Australian Banknotes Signatures Part 2

Signatures – (Part 2) – by Richard E Fahy

Herbert Coombs- Circa 1949-1968

Covered in Part One – pre decimal banknotes.

Ronald Wilson- Circa 951-1966

Covered in Part One – pre decimal banknotes.

Richard J. Randall. Circa 1966-1971

Appointed as Secretary to the Treasury in October 1966 until October 1971.

Mr Randall was co -signatory of those banknotes of the least produced during his period of tenure, as opposed to Coombs/Wilson & the introduction of decimal currency.

EG: The $5.00. banknote from 1967 to 1969 was both Coombs/Randall,& then Phillips/Randall signature combination

Mr Randall having signed as Secretary to the Treasury in 1967 & then Governor of the Reserve Bank in 1969.

The combination of Coombs/Randall, as investment quality banknotes, either individually or as a set including the dollars of 1,2,5,10,20 is without parallel.

An example is the worth of a $20.00. Coombs/Randall with a value of $5000. On Australian release of this banknote it’s value was $20.00.

John G. Phillips. Circa 1968-1975

Mr Phillips having been appointed as Governor of the Reserve Bank in July 1968 until he retired in July 1975.

F Wheeler. Circa-1971-1979

Appointed Secretary of the Treasury in November 1971, until retirement in January 1979.

Harry Knight.-Circa 1975-1982

Appointed Governor of the Reserve Bank in July 1975 until retirement in July 1982.

John Stone.-Circa 1979-1984

Mr Stone was Secretary to the Treasury from January 1979 until retirement in 1984. During the period of Mr Stone’s tenure, he was a major advocate of government monetary policy, never reaching the heights of Governor of the Reserve Bank, one of his last responsibilities of office, was to sign off, on the abolishment of the $1.00. banknote. To change to a $1.00 coin.

It is interesting to note that of all Australian banknotes, over some 80 years at this time, this banknote is only worth $1.10.some 18 years after it’s demise. If any sole would buy the banknote at all for that price. Please refer qualification of numbers.

Robert Johnston. Circa 1983-1990

Governor of the Reserve Bank. Retired 1990.


Bernard Fraser. Circa 1989-1996

As fortune dictates Mr Fraser was offered the position of Governor of the Reserve Bank in September 1989.

Within the position he held, his signature is the only one, to appear on both sides of a decimal banknote at that time.

M.J. Phillips. Circa 1989-

Was appointed as Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank for a period of 2 months between the retirement of Johnston and the appointment of Fraser.

The only Deputy Governor to appear on Australian banknotes these being the $20 and $50 banknotes only.

C. Higgins. 1989- 1990

Mr Higgins was appointed Secretary to the Treasury in September 1989. A position he held until his premature death on the 6th December 1990.

A S Cole. Circa 1990-1993

Was appointed as Secretary to the Treasury after the death in office of Mr Higgins, a position he held in retirement in 1993.

E. Evans. Circa 1993-2000

Appointed Secretary to the Treasury in 1993 a position he held until his retirement in 2000.

Ian Macfarlane. Circa 1996-2006

Appointed Governor of the Reserve Bank in September 1996.


Decimal Banknotes- Circa 1966 to 2000. Printed Numbers
One Dollar Circa 1966-1974 – 658,000,000
One Dollar Circa.1974-1984 -1,020,000,000
Two Dollar Circa. 1966-1974. 918,000,000
Two Dollar Circa 1974-1988. 1,635,000,000
Five Dollar Circa.1967-1974. 198,000,000
Five Dollar Circa.1974-1992. 978,000,000
Five Dollar Circa.1992-1995. 134,000,000
Ten Dollar Circa.1966-1974. 490,000,000
Ten Dollar Circa.1974-1993. 1,268,000,000
Ten Dollar Circa.1988. 18,000,000
Ten Dollar Circa 1993. N/A
Twenty Dollar Circa. 1966-1974. 147,000,000
Twenty Dollar Circa. 1974-1989. *
Twenty Dollar Circa. 1989-1994*. 1,662,000,000
Twenty Dollar Circa. 1994- N/A.
Fifty Dollar Circa.1973-1995. 200,000,000
Fifty Dollar Circa. 1995- N/A.
Hundred Dollar Circa.1984-1996. 225,000,000
Hundred Dollar Circa 1996- N/A.