Australian Polymer Banknote Investing

From The Desk of R.E. Fahy.
(Original article from 1st June 2007 Reposted May 2012)
Attention all Banknote Investors and Collectors

Australian Polymer Banknote Investing

Australian banknotes have, over the period of 1994 to 2003, shown an average annual capital return of 15%-20%. Depending on the type of banknote this growth rate demonstrates once again that Australian banknotes are a serious alternative to traditional areas of investment such as real estate, shares and managed funds and has fuelled prices of the most sought after Australian banknotes to record prices.

20new2012Since the establishment of TRN in 1995 we have proudly provided accurate predictions of these growth patterns to the benefit of our clients and see continued growth in the coming years. We recommend that investors give careful consideration as to their next Australian banknote purchase in relation to price, availability and capital growth trends.

As a valued client we recommend for your consideration the purchase of Australian polymer banknotes. Our logic is simple. These banknotes are affordable based on current valuations and are available in the most recent issues from 1996-2003 in denominations of $5 to $100. Issues prior to 1996 are already becoming difficult to obtain and client orders may need to be placed on back order.

For your convenience we include a price survey of Australian polymer banknotes since their inception in 1988 up to 2007. This survey covers both general issue banknotes and first/last prefixes. We have taken a small sampling only to demonstrate the investment potential of polymer banknotes.

For those clients wishing to commence an Australian polymer collection or add them to their existing portfolio, we have provided a purchase order form. This form includes stock currently on hand.

When ordering we would ask that you be patient as “out of stock” in some denominations and prefix numbers may be experienced due to the demand of this our first Australian banknote offer for 2007.

Prices quoted for all Australian polymer banknotes will be effective for a period of 60 days from the 1st June2007.

Requests for out of stock items after this date will need to requoted, and approved by you prior to dispatch. Please note that shipping charges apply to courier delivered items. Any banknote placed on back order will be invoiced at the time of dispatch. Order requests can be placed by emailing us at or simply visit our popular website for more information

50new2012Orders may be faxed on 02 9251 9454 or posted to The Right Note, 505/4 Bridge St, Sydney NSW. 2000. Payments can be made by credit card, personal/business cheque or bank cheque or postal order.

The establishment of an Australian polymer banknote investment portfolio TODAY, will ensure an investment that is affordable, that will show annual capital returns of 15% (approximation only).

All banknotes supplied will be genuine uncirculated grades, with certificates of authenticity and deeds of ownership. New clients will receive with our compliments a Vario banknote storage album RRP $85.00.

Richard E Fahy
The Right Note